Data Map

Boundary Lines courtesy of Ordnance Survey OpenData © Crown copyright 2013, Map © OpenStreetMap contributors

Data Definitions
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Definition / Included Census CategoriesNational
Party 2024Area party winner : actual 2024 election result or projected by Electoral Calculus
Party 2019Area party winner : actual 2019 election result or projected by Electoral Calculus
Party 2017Area party winner : actual 2017 election result or projected by Electoral Calculus
TribeTribe identification, estimated by Electoral Calculus. Learn about the seven political tribes.
EconomicEconomic position between 100° Left and 100° Right, estimated by Electoral Calculus from political and demographic data.
NationalNational position between 100° Global and 100° National, estimated by Electoral Calculus from political and demographic data.
SocialSocial position between 100° Socially Liberal and 100° Socially Conservative, estimated by Electoral Calculus from political and demographic data.
EU RefEU Referendum vote share for 'Remain' or 'Leave' : actual result or estimate52% Leave
Ave AgeAge (TS007A)Average age of adults (18 years and above)49.5 years
Good EducHighest level of qualification (TS067)Level 3 (A-level equivalent) or Level 4+ (degree equivalent)49%
EmployedEconomic activity status (TS066)Part-time, full-time employed or self-employed58%
HomeownerTenure (TS054)Own a property with or without a mortgage, or with shared ownership63%
Car ownerCar or van availability (TS045)In a household with at least one car or van77%
MarriedLegal partnership status (TS002)Married or civil partnership45%
Ethnic WhiteEthnic group (TS021)White British, Irish, Gypsy, Roma or other83%
ChristianReligion (TS030)Christian or Christian denomination (NI)50%
ABC1 ClassApproximated Social Grade (SG002)Approximated social grades A, B and C156%
IncomeMedian individual disposable annual income at at 2018, including benefits, after tax and direct housing costs, but before utility and grocery bills. Individual income is defined as half the "equivalised" income. Sources: ONS Small area estimates (E&W), Scottish Government LSOA estimates (Scotland), plus addtional Electoral Calculus modelling.£13,915
DeprivationHouseholds by deprivation dimensions (TS011)Fraction of households which are classed as deprived on one or more of the following four indicators: employment (unemployed or long-term sick); education (no good GCSE); health and disability (bad health or long-term problem); and housing (overcrowded, shared or no central heating).51%
House PriceAverage residential property price (including flats and houses) around 2019. Sources: Land Registry, Statistics Scotland, NI Department of Finance£309,211
BritishNational Identity (TS027)Those answering British, British-Other, or Scottish-British52%

Census data is from the 2021 census for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and from the 2022 census for Scotland (except that Class and Deprivation are from 2011).

© 2023 Electoral Calculus

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Choose a combination of both geography and data type. There are two geographies available: Current 2023 Seats; Local council wards as at 2024.

There are also many data types available including both political and demographic measures. See 'Data Definitions' below the map for more details about them.

Seats have green boundaries, wards have brown boundaries, and localities (output areas) have purple boundaries.

The map is fully browsable – you can move around the country and zoom in and out. You can also focus on a particular seat to see all the localities (census output areas) within it. Just click on any seat's marker to get focus on it, or enter a postcode into the "Focus postcode" box and press 'Go'. Focus mode shows all the localities within the seat, coloured according to the selected data type. To cancel the focus mode, press the 'Clear Focus' button.

To see the names of seats, wards or localities, just hover your mouse over the relevant circular marker. Alternatively, click the tick box 'Show Labels' and this will display all the area names when the map is zoomed in to a sufficiently large scale.

Power user tip: To see an individual output area, enter its postcode into the 'Focus Postcode' box and switch to any 'Wards' geography.

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