Northern Ireland user-defined Poll

This page allows you to make your own Westminster predictions for Northern Ireland, letting you see the whole of Northern Ireland at once or showing detail about any individual constituency. All you need is your own estimate (or guess) of Northern Irish opinion support for the main parties.

Make Your Prediction

To make your prediction, enter the Northern Ireland support levels for the main parties. (The actual election results are shown for reference.)

2024 Votes22.1%27.0%11.1%12.2%15.0%6.2%
Support % % % % % %

What to display
Seat to display
Seat Boundaries to use

Notes on using the predictor

You can see all the Northern Ireland changed seats, or a majority-sorted list of all seats or pick a constituency to study in detail. Then select from "Seat to display" to pick a drilldown choice.

Predictions can be made on the basis of the current 2023 constituency boundaries (650 seats), or any historic election since 1955.

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