Two-D Vote on Public Figures

Drag and drop some people from the clickable tabs below onto the Two-D Political Map. (You don't need to do them all.) Then press 'Submit' to cast your votes. Full instructions.

Theresa May, Prime Minister

Theresa May

Boris Johnson, Foreign Secretary

Boris Johnson

Philip Hammond, Chancellor

Philip Hammond

Amber Rudd, Home Secretary

Amber Rudd

Liam Fox, International Trade Secretary

Liam Fox

David Davis, Exiting the EU Secretary

David Davis

Ruth Davidson, Scottish Conservative leader

Ruth Davidson

George Osborne, Former Chancellor

George Osborne

Michael Gove, Vote Leave leader

Michael Gove

Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative MP

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader

Jeremy Corbyn

Tom Watson, Labour deputy leader

Tom Watson

Diane Abbott, Shadow Home Secretary

Diane Abbott

John McDonnell, Shadow Chancellor

John McDonnell

Emily Thornberry, Shadow Foreign Secretary

Emily Thornberry

Hilary Benn, Labour MP

Hilary Benn

Chuka Umunna, Labour MP

Chuka Umunna

Angela Eagle, Labour MP

Angela Eagle

Tristram Hunt, Labour MP

Tristram Hunt

Ed Balls, Former Labour minister

Ed Balls

Nigel Farage, Former UKIP leader

Nigel Farage

Paul Nuttall, UKIP leader

Paul Nuttall

Douglas Carswell, UKIP MP

Douglas Carswell

Nicola Sturgeon, SNP leader

Nicola Sturgeon

Tim Farron, Lib Dem leader

Tim Farron

Caroline Lucas, Green co-leader and MP

Caroline Lucas

Leanne Wood, Plaid Cymru leader

Leanne Wood

Lord Sugar, Businessman and politician

Lord Sugar

Prince Charles, Prince of Wales

Prince Charles

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin Welby

David Cameron, Conservative PM 2010-2016

David Cameron

Gordon Brown, Labour PM 2007-2010

Gordon Brown

Tony Blair, Labour PM 1997-2007

Tony Blair

John Major, Conservative PM 1990-1997

John Major

Margaret Thatcher, Conservative PM 1979-1990

Margaret Thatcher

Harold Wilson, Labour PM 1964-1970 and 1974-1976

Harold Wilson

Edward Heath, Conservative PM 1970-1974

Edward Heath

Harold Macmillan, Conservative PM 1957-1963

Harold Macmillan

Clement Attlee, Labour PM 1945-1951

Clement Attlee

Winston Churchill, Conservative PM 1940-1945 and 1951-1955

Winston Churchill

Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States

Donald Trump

Barack Obama, President of the United States

Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate for president

Hillary Clinton

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

Angela Merkel

Francois Fillon, Candidate for French president

Francois Fillon

Marine Le Pen, French National Front leader

Marine Le Pen

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

Jean Claude Juncker

Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

Narendra Modi

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

Vladimir Putin

Xi Jinping, President of China

Xi Jinping


This page lets you vote on the political position of some well-known public figures in Britain and abroad. You can say for each one how left or right wing they are, plus how nationalist or internationalist. Once you have cast your own vote, you can see how other people perceive them. Here's how it works:

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