General Election Prediction

Updated 25 February 2025

Current Prediction: Reform short 134 of majority

Party2024 Votes2024 SeatsPred VotesLow SeatsPred SeatsHigh Seats
CON 24.4%121 21.9%51142262
LAB 34.7%412 24.7%86178327
LIB 12.6%72 13.7%306689
Reform 14.7%5 25.8%73192341
Green 6.9%4 8.3%2419
SNP 2.6%9 3.0%154346
PlaidC 0.7%4 0.7%127
Other 3.5%5 1.8%058
SF 7  7 
DUP 5  5 
SDLP 2  2 
UUP 1  1 
Alliance 1  1 
TUV 1  1 
NI Other 1  1 

Prediction based on opinion polls from 19 Feb 2025 to 24 Feb 2025, sampling 10,510 people.

Probability of possible outcomes

Reform minority
Lab minority
Con minority
No overall control
Reform majority
Labour majority
Conservative majority

Probability of being the largest party


The future is never certain. But using our advanced modelling techniques, we can estimate the probability of the various possible outcomes at the next general election. Minority government probabilities assume possible alliances between the Conservative and Reform parties, and between Labour, Liberal Democrats, SNP and Plaid Cymru.

In the headline prediction table, the columns 'Low Seats' and 'High Seats' give the 90 per cent confidence interval for the number of seats won.

Commentary for end-February 2025

Posted 28 February 2025

So far this year, Reform have overtaken the Conservatives. Polling in February now shows that Reform have also overtaken Labour to be the most popular party in the country. Reform are about one point ahead of Labour, and five points ahead of the Conservatives.

If there were an imminent general election, then Reform would win the most seats, but Parliament would be hung three-ways between the big three parties. Any two parties could combine to form a government, and there would be a clear chance of Nigel Farage being Prime Minister with support from either the Conservatives or Labour.

Also, Richard Rose writes this month that the first-past-the-post system begins to deliver for Reform.

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