Charities Aid Foundation Case Study

Recently, we worked with the Charities Aid Foundation to map out patterns of charitable donations across the UK for their UK Giving Report.

In collaboration with our polling partners, we asked 13,000 members of the British public how much they have donated to charity in the past year. Using our innovative MRP analysis, we then mapped out the responses onto all 650 constituencies across the UK, being the first project of its kind.

MRP polling

Our MRP analysis revealed where charitable donors are concentrated across the country, revealing a range of unique insights, such as:

CAF map of UK with seat pop-ups

Geographical insights: The MRP revealed that Northern Ireland has a particularly high rate of charitable donors in comparison to the rest of the UK.

Customised Mapping

Using our expertise in customised mapping and web services, we seamlessly integrated the MRP data onto the Charities Aid Foundation's website, in the form of an interactive map.

CAF webpage of embedded map with controls

Integration: Interactive map showing proportion who donated, donations as a % of income, and total amount donated.

Work With Us

We are proud to have a long history of working with charitable organisations and campaigners. If you'd like to find out how our polling analysis can help your cause, or would like a quote for a specific project, don't hesitate to get in touch.


Property Nimby Poll

Electoral Calculus conducted an MRP poll on Nimbys and Super-Nimbys for the Property Chronicle to find out where local opposition to new housing development is concentrated and how it can be overcome.


The UK General Election December 2019

Electoral Calculus made the most accurate pre-poll prediction of the result of the December 2019 General Election. Our final prediction correctly predicted a Conservative victory with a substantial majority.